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MEDIAN, s.r.o.

MEDIAN is a leading research agency with many years of experience in the area of market research, media and public opinion.

  • We design complex solutions tailor-made for each client including counseling. We offer a reliable and innovative approach in the area of media, marketing and sociopolitical research, covering the whole process from proposal to analysis, data processing and final recommendations.
  • The employed research methods, ongoing development in the area of technology and a large number of interviewers and respondents in the Czech and Slovak Republic provide research of high quality.
  • We offer in-house software tools for effective marketing plans in the area of media and advertising.
  • We develop modern in-house technical solutions for conducting effective research, e.g wheeluator or adMeter.


We are continually developing technologies and methodologies in the area of market research and public opinion.


  • MEDIAN was founded in 1993 with the intent to concentrate on media research and measuring media impact, and in the same year an idea was born to create a unified method of print, radio and television audience measurement. Subsequently the MEDIA PROJEKT was launched.
  • This ongoing project is simultaneously one of the largest data trackings still carried out by us today, in addition to RADIOPROJEKT.
  • Independent radio audience measurement was launched onto the market in 2005.
  • In 1994 we added software development to our services and even today we are still one of the leading developers for data implementation acquired from media research of the Czech and Slovak market.
  • As of 1996, we are a licensing partner for the Czech Republic and Slovakia of the TGI international research detailing media behaviour of Czechs and Slovaks, their consumer behaviour and lifestyle. Every year a robust sample of more than 15000 respondents in the Czech Republic and more than 8000 respondents in Slovakia is used.
  • In 1997 we took part in the preparation of the first electronic television audience behaviour measurement employing the so-called „peoplemeters“ and further developed software solutions for managing the acquired data.
  • In 2002 we founded our branch office in Bratislava, MEDIAN SK.
  • In 2012 we introduced and launched adMeter onto the market – an electronic cross-media measurement tool which profoundly shifted the way media planning and media effectiveness are perceived.


Apart from media projects we also have rich experience with the area of sociological research, consumer research and brand research. We use our in-house software for data management, we develop custom-made applications of any style and scope.