For the occasion of the centenary of the independent Czechoslovak statehood, Median prepared a survey for the Czech Television mapping the views of Czechs on important moments and personalities of the last hundred years of our history.
From a general historical point of view, the best evaluated stage of the history of Czechoslovakia / Czechia is the First Republic (72 % positive evaluation), followed by the transformation period after 1989 and the present (70 %). The in between period filled mostly by authoritarian or occupational governments is rated mostly negatively. The best rated out of this period were the 1960s and the Prague Spring period (51 % positive evaluation). Other historical periods of the 20th century are rated negatively – the worst being World War II and the 1950s.
In the survey we also confronted the stereotypes in which Czechs think of themselves with the facts resulting from international studies. We also asked what people believe are the necessary conditions of democracy and to what extent they are fulfilled in today’s Czech Republic.
Read and review the deeper analysis and detailed graphs in this complete report (in Czech only).